Sunday 28 October 2012

Fried green tomatoes..........

Well we had something of a harvest and I still managed to feel supremely pleased with myself for all the herbs we've grown and used in cooking this year. Unfortunately I don't have a real plot of ground to call my own as of yet but it's high on my wish list.

There's nothing like the peace I feel when digging about and planting, the warmth of a greenhouse and the sweeping of a path. I do love being outside, although I stress that I'm not in the least sporty, I'm more of an Autumn walk and cuppa tea afterwards kinda girl. As soon as the rain stops I need to be out there tidying up the dead bits and readying things for next year. . .I had a funny little imagining the other week, of me, much older and wrinkled and enjoying my garden, not that unusual I guess but it was more the fact that the idea didn't horrify me as thoughts old growing up usually do. Think it's something to do with me being in a happy place.

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